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Shooting 5 Guns package

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It’s your last weekend of freedom and you’ve chosen to celebrate it in no less than Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania. You are in for such a treat as Vilnius is home to some of the wildest, most insane activities that won’t break the bank.  

As you may know, this weekend is all about your last night of freedom and there is no better way to put a Vilnius stag party together than with the help of professionals.

The first thing we recommend for a classic stag is one of the basic activities, the 5 Guns Shooting Experience. Now is not the time to to worry about what the world has to say about gun violence because you’ll be shooting paper targets anyway. 

On top of that, you will be guided by an instructor to ensure that the Shooting Experience in Vilnius is both safe and enjoyable. Once your briefing is done, it’s time to fire those guns. 

This package lets you fire a total of 35 bullets spread over 5 different guns.




35 bullets

Rent of guns & Shooting range

Safety Briefing

GLOCK 17 - 7 bullets

M870 ADAPTIVE SHOTGUN pump-action shotgun - 5 bullets

CZ 75 SP - 6 bullets

KALASHNIKOV AK 47 - 12 bullets

Heckler&Koch P7 K3 - 5 bullets


2 hours


£ 77 per person

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Group information